Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday Scribblings

My ego has really got me today. It's had me in its throes, its little voice arguing with me as i just let myself be me, stop fighting with myself. It doesn't like it obviously as having cleared my head of its ramblings and having found a centred place, it has no room to live. I often find that times where i'm contented and feel peace of mind are followed by surges of self doubt and hesitation. It's like a machine that's had its usual workings blocked, so that everything comes crashing out in an overload of energy. It needs putting in its place or else it will easily get the better of you.

My ego works more subtly than that though on a more everyday level. Tomorrow i go back to work. I've had six weeks off now (i'm so lucky), and this space has allowed me to see myself more objectively. I've begun to see how my ego works in me to try to keep me in a safe place which it knows and yet which suppresses me.

Playing a game of pool a few weeks ago, the most unlikely setting for something so major, and something opened up in me, part of me came rising to the surface which had long been hidden away. All my frustrations and anger at not having achieved what i want to achieve came flooding out, and it was only the start of something much, much bigger. I don't know how long it's been now i've thought that i wanted to have a family; to settle down. The crazy thing is i think i've wanted it since i was young, really young. At that pool table all i could feel was that i hadn't got it, it wasn't there in my life. I was overwhelmed by the fact that i simply couldn't seem to grasp it.

But now, a few weeks later, that angst and frustration has cleared from me. That moment at the pool table was it all rising to the surface so that i could finally free myself of it. I can see so clearly that my need for this has in fact been a good way for me to put extra pressure on myself, growing stronger as i've got older, and that in fact i don't need, or rather i don't want, any of that yet. It's like i don't know the person who wanted those things anymore, as if she's dead. Someone new has been born into my life. The ideas i have held on to so strongly, like a child with a lolly, have worked against me rather than for me. I am still young and still have so many things which i want to do before my life becomes dedicated to other people. Having my sister's children here reminds me that i like my freedom, thank you. They are the best children in the world and i love them with all my heart, but i don't in fact want to recreate that for myself yet. I've only just found a bigger part of me, a more expansive part of me. I'm going to enjoy being with that and enjoy integrating her back into my life.

The urgency i felt for this family of mine has also been a good way for me to make the circumstances i find myself in impossible to support. And what i mean by that is that by putting this pressure on myself i'm in fact making where my life is right now something which is impossible, something which can't possibly make me happy and which instead is something i've been striving to change continually. That's a lot of fighting and it wears you out. I can't fight anymore. It's a massive change in my outlook and it's like i've dropped this weight i've carried around for so long. Metaphorically speaking i've changed the clothes i'm wearing because they were way too worn out. I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow now. I'm ready to give myself up to that lifestyle again, now that i have found something so much more important to feed my life.


Anonymous said...

Circumstances have a habit of putting things on hold, complications have a habit of keeping them locked away, time has a habit of losing the keys, but from out of the blue a simple question can grapple the very foundations of its being. It's strange that all it takes is a catayst to bring these emotions and feelings reeling to the surface, to be finally rethought.

You're turning over the leaf; big things are about to happen.

Sunday Scribblings said...

Hi Natalie! Enjoyed reading over your blog! Just wanted to say that responding to the weekly prompt is the only real requirement of Sunday Scribblings, so I didn't post your link this time, but I hope you'll be back again next week. In any case, I'm glad to have found your blog!

Rach said...

Hi Natalie,

I was really interested to hear about your personal revalations at the pool table.

I too have been battling with that weird force that is the maternal urge.

Without trying we got pregnant on our honeymoon. We were delighted and all the hormones kicked in big time. I couldn't wait.

Then, at about 10 weeks we lost the baby. It was a horrible time, and even though in my head I knew that it's natures way of keeping me and my family healthy, in my heart I was broken.

Suddenly having a baby became the whole focus of my life. I was obbessed. Every month that went by was a disappointment because, try as we might, we couldn't get pregnant again.

It was only after reading your post I realised that my own horrible aching and obbession had eased over the past few months without me noticing. I still want a baby, but it is no longer the only thing that I wake up for in the mornings. Like yourself I have regained my own sense of who I am, and that is not defined by my reproductive status.

Now I have relaxed about becoming pregnant I half expect it to happen more easily, a bit like last time. Loosing the first baby has been good for me, in a roundabout, strange, pool table, revalatory type way. This time I will be ready to be a mother, as well as retain what is essentially me.

Natalie said...

Wow Rach, that's huge. Thank you for sharing it with me. I'm so pleased for you that something so positive has come out of something so sad... life shows us things in funny ways huh?

Rachel said...

I love your comment about changing your clothes Nat, new horizons......very exciting!