Tuesday, June 12, 2007

In Between Seasons

From my window I can see the bluish-grey sky pervading my view.
Today rain has fallen, yet the air is damp with humid warmth.
Summer attempts to squeeze through into life,
but is stuck, it seems, in some remnants of the dreariness thought left behind
By time, and chance.

In between two worlds I sit, half alone, half together.
A purring white cat, now old, attempts to gain my lap, but never makes the jump.
I marvel at how all seems so motionless, having seen such growth as the days have become longer.
Tomorrow the grass will push itself taller once more,
And all will move unerringly into a new season again.


Crafty Green Poet said...

I like your evocation of mood here, the image of summer trying to squeeze in is good too.

Left-handed Trees... said...

For me, the "Tomorrow the grass will push itself taller once more" broke the stagnant mood of the "in between" seasons...beautifully done, very tactile.

sputnik said...

I really like the idea of summer being "stuck." It really seemed that way in New England this year. And I like the parallel between summer being stuck and the elderly cat similarly unable to make the expected jump.

Anonymous said...

I see some thing which is transient. Thoughtful, insightful post.

Anonymous said...

"all seems so motionless, having seen such growth" seems to speak of the time we need to integrate what we've learned, how we've grown. Very thought-provoking Natalie! Thanks.

Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

you have captured the exact mood of life here in the midwest.

Thank you for sharing!

Tammy Brierly said...

I loved the "stuck" feeling you brought to this poem. I always end with hope too :)

Admin said...

i'm back and i'm at blogger again:

Anonymous said...

Well done.

But on a somber note: haven't you anything happy to put forth in your writings? All seems a bit dreary for my taste...

Beaman said...

I miss your poetry. :)

Natalie said...

Lol, sean, go write some of your own poetry. And make yourself laugh.